Emin Mammadov

Born in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1970. Lives and works in Baku. Since 2011, he has been the Artistic Advisor for the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and, since 2013, also for the Heydar Aliyev Centre. He also teaches in the Graphics Department at the State Art Academy of Azerbaijan. In 2012, he was appointed “The Honored Worker of Art of the Azerbaijan Republic.” Emin Mammadov has curated several exhibitions in Azerbaijan and elsewhere in Europe.

Curator and Advisor:

Nov 2018 Seven Beauties, All-Russian Popular and Decorative-Applied Art Museum, Moscow, Russia. Nov 2018 Nasimi Festival of Poetry, Arts, and Spirituality, Moscow State International Relations University, Moscow, Russia. Sep 2018 Nasimi Festival of Poetry, Arts, and Spirituality, Baku, Azerbaijan. 2015-2018 Days of Azerbaijan Culture, France. May-Nov 2017 Under One Sun, Azerbaijan National Pavilion, Palazzo Lezze, International Art Exhibition - 57th La Biennale di Venezia, Italy. 2016–2018 Live Life International Exhibition, Soho Revue Gallery, London, UK; Galerie des Minimes, Paris, France; Galerie Berlin Baku (GBB), Berlin, Germany; Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), Moscow, Russia; Museum of Modern Art, Tbilisi, Georgia; Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku, Azerbaijan 2016-2017 Absheron Constellation, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia; Born by the Winds of Absheron, an exhibition of Azerbaijani painters of 1960-1980s, Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2016 Tracing the Partisan; Under the Single Sun; Ganja & Gabala. Two Cities Through The Lens of French Photographers, Cannes; Paris 2015-2016 Village d’Azerbaïdjan, Paris, France. 2015 Azerbaijani Painting in the 20th & 21th Centuries & Stone Chronicle Museums, Baku, Azerbaijan May-Nov 2015 Beyond the Line, Azerbaijan National Pavilion, Palazzo Lezze, 56th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, Italy; Vita Vitale, Azerbaijan National Pavilion, Palazzo Ca’ Garzoni, International Art Exhibition - 56th La Biennale di Venezia, Italy. Nov-Dec 2014 Here Today International Exhibition, consultant, London, UK. May-Nov 2013 Ornamentation, Azerbaijan National Pavilion, Palazzo Lezze, 55th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, Italy. 2012-2013 Fly to Baku. Contemporary Art from Azerbaijan, Phillips de Pury, London, UK; Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild, Paris, France; me Collectors Room, Berlin, Germany; Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow, Russia; Spazio D – Foundation Maxxi, National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome, Italy; Kunsthistorisches Museum - Neue Burg, Vienna, Austria.

Gianni Mercurio

Gianni Mercurio has been involved with modern and contemporary art for nearly thirty years as a curator and writer. He collaborated with the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku in 2013 when he curated the exhibition Andy Warhol, Life, Death and Beauty. Mercurio is a specialist in American art. He has curated various museum exhibitions and written essays on Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, George Segal, and Roy Lichtenstein, among others, and group shows on Pop-art, Hyperrealism, and American Graffiti. Mercurio has also curated numerous contemporary art group and solo shows in Europe and Asia. He has been a guest curator at the Ludwig Museum Cologne, MOCA Lyon, MACRO Rome, MAXXI Museum Rome, Tretyakov State Gallery in Moscow, Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku, Triennale Museum in Milano and museums in Italy, Austria, Spain, Belgium, and Finland, among others. He was the former artistic director of Chiostro del Bramante in Rome, Galleria Comunale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (now MACRO) in Rome, and Museo Carlo Bilotti in Rome. Mercurio has also edited numerous catalogues and books on art and architecture. Gianni Mercurio lavora ormai da 30 anni come curatore e scrittore nel campo dell’arte moderna e contemporanea. Ha collaborato con il Centro Heydar Aliyev di Baku nel 2013, quando ha curato l’esposizione “Andy Warhol, la Vita, la Morte e la Bellezza”. Mercurio è specializzato nell’arte americana. Ha curato diverse esposizioni museali e mostre collettive di Pop Art, Iperrealismo e graffito americano e ha scritto saggi su Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, George Segal e Roy Lichtenstein. Mercurio ha inoltre curato mostre personali e collettive di artisti contemporanei in Europa e Asia. È stato curatore ospite del Museum Ludwig di Colonia, del MOCA di Lione, del MACRO di Roma, del MAXXI di Roma, della Galleria Statale Tretjakov di Mosca, del Centro Heydar Aliyev di Baku, della Triennale di Milano e di altri musei in Italia, Austria, Spagna, Belgio e Finlandia. È stato il direttore artistico del Chiostro del Bramante di Roma, della Galleria Comunale di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Roma (ora MACRO) e del Museo Carlo Bilotti di Roma. Mercurio ha altresì pubblicato numerosi cataloghi e libri sull’arte e l’architettura.